Thursday, January 3, 2013

Give yourself permission by George Kyros

You will become what your thoughts tell you to be, so if you want to become something else you first need to change your thoughts.
It is amazing that negative thoughts often come to mind much more frequently than do positive ones. It is easy to remember that one time you failed, or said or did something foolish in public, but you never seem to remember the time you were successful against all odds – unless you consciously force yourself to think of it. Why is this? Why can we immediately bring to mind all of our failings yet struggle to remember our successes? I think it is because those negative events are memories you wish you didn’t have. It is as though your mind is trying to send you a warning not to repeat your actions.
The problem is that along with the warning comes negative reinforcement, your mind seems to be saying, ‘see, this is all you are capable of, this is what you are worth’. A person I used to work with was the most positive person I ever knew. He was fond of saying, ‘If you got lemons, make lemonade’; he saw a positive in every negative.
What we should be doing, is that when this thought about some perceived great failure just pops into your mind, acknowledge the warning and then consciously dwell on your great successes. Remind yourself that the successes far outweigh the failures, and one more thing- remember the words of that great genius Albert Einstein who said ‘The person who never failed never made anything worthwhile’ or Thomas Edison who had thousands of attempts to make a light globe that worked, He didn’t have thousands of failures, he just discovered thousands of ways it wouldn’t work!
If we keep doing the same thing, we will keep getting the same result. If you want a different outcome then change the way you do it. Change the way you think and give yourself permission to succeed.

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