Sunday, January 6, 2013

Baby Boomers still Face Uncertainty!

If you were born in that era after the Second World War, between 1946 and about 1964 then you are a Baby Boomer.
Approximately 78.2 million Americans were born between 1946 and 1964, according to the US Census Bureau.By 2030, all baby boomers will be 65 or older.
Most boomers have, until recently, expected that, like their parents that they could retire at age 65, collect the old age pension to take them through their golden years. Now they find that governments are looking toward a later retirement age.
In Australia anyone turning 65 is seriously encouraged to postpone retirement until they reach 70, at which time they will receive a “bonus” of around $A 30,000 as a “reward” for paying taxation and not receiving a pension for an additional 5 years on their working life. ( this incentive was subsequently cancelled after a change in Government.Now they are pressing to increase the retirement age without incentive)
The hard truth is that up to 49 per cent of baby boomers believe their main source of income after retirement will be superannuation.

Statistics show that the average superannuation on retirement for baby boomers will likely be $65,000 or less.
The numbers show an emerging gap between the amount people have saved for retirement, and what they will need. This before taking into account the unsettled state of the stock market in recent years which will compound the problem.
A 65-year-old retiring last month with let’s say $100,000 superannuation, would have an annuity that would pay about $600 to $700 a month for the balance of that person’s life, based on current interest rates. Many of them are turning to the internet and trying to negotiate the minefield of businesses on offer there, and run the risk of losing what little investment they have available.. My advice to them is to choose wisely.
They should avoid  any  so called opportunity that promises unrealistic high returns for little or no effort.   I suggest they do what I have done – select a “top tier” business that offers high commissions, comprehensive training and personal coaching.
Getting started is so much easier when you have a mentor to show you how!
Some investment should be expected, as the saying goes “you need to speculate to accumulate” and finally it is important to stick with it.
 Most new marketers quit within 90 days. They give up too quickly before they see any results.

Authors note; Although I wrote this article some time ago, the facts haven't changed - baby boomers still face the same uncertainties. I have updated this material to keep it current.
George Kyros 


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