Wednesday, September 10, 2014

gkcameras - my new enterprise

Okay,retiring from full time day-to-day employment has caused me to neglect this, the marketing arm of business as well.
Of course this really means I have more time to devote to these things.
I am currently building a website in association with Amazon, Ebay and Sony for starters. I will also include some other surprising directions as time goes by.
By combining my love of taking photographs of almost anything (as you may have noticed) I have chosen to make this my niche.
My site is and if you check it out you will quickly see that it is a work in progress.
I'll keep you up to date as we build. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Plenty Or Poverty?

Plenty Or Poverty?

By: George Kyros

I suggest that Baby Boomers facing retirement should evaluate their financial strategies carefully. The question to ask your self is whether you'll have plenty of money, or poverty in your long awaited Golden Years,The world wide economic crash has seen investments and superannuation reduced to levels that have most baby boomers facing a bleak future.

I have been a self employed carpenter for many years, and by the time I reached 60 I knew I couldn't keep up any more,I became a skills lecturer and now I teach my skills to a younger generation.
But now I'm facing retirement and do not feel that the old age pension will be enough to see me through. So I launched a home-based internet business as an option.

Most financial experts agree that to become a self funded retiree, baby boomers should consider starting a home based business that can be run indefinitely to generate additional retirement income. By creating a passive stream of recurring income from home, the online entrepreneur can provide a substantial safety cushion in terms of long term financial security.

When I started, I knew very little about internet marketing or marketing in general, for that matter, but with the right opportunity and some training and coaching , anyone can learn and master this business in a relatively short period of time.
I initially made some wrong choices and wasted a lot of money and time listening to so called gurus and jumping from one idea to another without much success, I know tend to think of those days as valuable training that have led me to where I am today.
There are some excellent opportunities available right now.